Management Administration & Banner Creation in Online Media Worldwide with 59 euros / Media.
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Management Administration & Banner Creation in Online Media Worldwide with 59 euros / Media..
Management Administration & Banner Creation in Online Media Worldwide with 59 euros / Media..
Create creative banner advertising and manage ads for social media (Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter), but also for other media, online websites, international blogs and portals such as welt.de, cnn.com, faz.net etc. with 59 euro / media. Of course, the cost of the advertising campaign is not included. Administration & banner creation in online media abroad or in Germany with 59 euros / media.
It costs 59 euros per MEDIA, as required in the dimensions and specifications of the individual media, e.g. B. in advertisements on welt.de only accepted in certain dimensions with 2 forms in the dimensions specified by him, etc. When I research In which media it is in our interest to advertise and I come to an agreement with the media, I present you the media costs and I advise you that it is in our best interest to act based on the budget you wish to allocate. We will receive a logo, photo and text and configure them in relation to the creative unless you have a graphic designer and give them to us while I configure them in relation to the ad order according to the needs of each media ... Are you interested in my proposal? Contact me and find out more. Learn How To See (Video)
1. CONTACT. I will get in touch with you within 1-2 working days by email or other media such as FB, Skype, WhatsApp, depending on your communication skills. There I ask you for additional information and materials that I can use to create the website, the partner, the banner, the automation, etc. In addition to your company data, etc. I will receive a logo, photo texts and a. Account so that I can create it in the following email...,
Email : abraam.skenteridis@gmail.com
More INFO on my website HERE , und YouTube HERE.
This sale has to do with, Management Administration & Banner Creation in Online Media Worldwide with 59 euros / Media.